We welcome new members throughout the year and there are no auditions. There are many levels of experience within the choir. Rehearsals are welcoming and enjoyable, and we are a lovely bunch of people!

We usually, not always, use sheet music to learn the songs. Most people haven’t read music before but find it a useful visual aid. Sometimes we learn the songs by ear.

We rehearse at The Old Fire Station, Stoke Newington, Mondays 8pm-9.30pm

Rehearsals cost £8 per session, payable as a block at the beginning of each half term. New members can pay weekly to try out. Please get in touch if you want to sing but your financial situation makes this difficult, as we don’t want it to be a barrier to joining the choir.

Just come along to a rehearsal or email Tara: for more information.

The BHS is a very friendly and welcoming choir with an amazing repertoire.
Thank you for the arrangements of songs that you do, which give much more interesting parts to the altos and tenors than other arrangements seem to
— Gillian, Choir member
Oh good! It’s Monday again! This is how joining the Boiler House Singers makes me feel! Its fun, the way the music is arranged is so uplifting and everyone is very friendly
— Jane, choir member
Being part of the Boiler House singers is a total joy. It reignited my passion for singing and I loved discovering new ways of singing songs that I thought I knew really well alongside lovely people. Tara is a musical musician and leader!
— Jeanie, choir member
It’s been great being part of the choir for the past seven years so THANK YOU so much for everything it’s given me and the friendship too. What a lot of nice people and fun things like George and Maddie’s wedding, singing in the Curved Garden, Abney park etc!
— Rosie, choir member
Such a fabulous choir! Lovely variety of songs with wonderful harmonies and a really friendly bunch of singers.. Monday evenings are a definite highlight!
— Louise, choir member
The Boiler House Choir made me feel very welcome when I first started attending. Tara creates a nice relaxed atmosphere in which to learn a great variety of songs.
— James, choir member
You helped me, in many ways, to feel at home and I wanted to thank you all for your kindness and warm welcome. I will always remember these rehearsals, concerts and performances as great memories, and keep in my heart these beautiful songs I had the chance to learn and sing with you all.
— Chloe, choir member
That was a lovely few hours of pure joy.
— Audience member